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Power density plots on solid surfaces

For making plots of power density on solid surfaces, I have used the followng helper class:

struct Power {

    Transformation      t;
    std::vector<double> xdata;
    std::vector<double> ydata;
    std::vector<double> wdata;

    void add( const Particle3D &pp ) {
        Vec3D x = pp.location();
        Vec3D vel = pp.velocity();
        x = t.transform_point( x );
        xdata.push_back( x[0] );
        ydata.push_back( x[1] );
        double V = 0.5*pp.m()*vel.ssqr()/pp.q();
        wdata.push_back( pp.IQ()*V );

    void plot( const std::string &filename ) {
        // Make histogram
        Histogram2D h( 51, 51, xdata, ydata, wdata );
        // Output data
        ofstream ostr( filename.c_str() );
        for( size_t j = 0; j < h.m(); j++ ) {
            for( size_t i = 0; i < h.n(); i++ ) {
                ostr << setw(12) << h.icoord(i) << " "
                     << setw(12) << h.jcoord(j) << " "
                     << setw(12) << h(i,j) << "\n";
            ostr << "\n";

The class gathers energy data from collided particles and transforms the coordinates from 3D collision point into a 2D plot plane. So first you need to make on object of the type Power and define the translation:

Power power;
power.t.translate( Vec3D(0.008486,0,-0.053258) );
power.t.rotate_y( atan(55.71/153.05) );

You should go through the particle collision points and select the ones which are interesting feeding those to power:

// Go through particle end locations
for( size_t i = 0; i < pdb.size(); i++ ) {
    // Particle location
    Particle3D &pp = pdb.particle( i );

    // Not interesting location
    if( pp[PARTICLE_Z] < 37.0e-3 ||
        pp[PARTICLE_Z] > 60.0e-3 ||
        pp[PARTICLE_X] > 0.0e-3 )

    power.add( pp );

Then as a last thing, plot out the data to an ASCII file:

power.plot( "power.txt" );

Copyright © 2010-2011 Taneli Kalvas
Last modified: Mon Jun 23 15:29:49 EEST 2014