RADIS H- ion source extraction
This example presents a simulation of the RADIS H- ion source extraction. The simulation constructs the geometry from STL-files (3D CAD model solid based on surface triangulation) exported from Autodesk Inventor with a model of the ion source. The magnetic field is based on a simulation made with Radia-3D.
The simulation and the analysis are seprated. First the simulation (simu.cpp):
#include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include <limits> #include "epot_bicgstabsolver.hpp" #include "meshvectorfield.hpp" #include "dxf_solid.hpp" #include "stl_solid.hpp" #include "stlfile.hpp" #include "mydxffile.hpp" #include "gtkplotter.hpp" #include "geomplotter.hpp" #include "geometry.hpp" #include "func_solid.hpp" #include "epot_efield.hpp" #include "error.hpp" #include "ibsimu.hpp" #include "trajectorydiagnostics.hpp" #include "particledatabase.hpp" #include "particlediagplotter.hpp" using namespace std; const std::string bfieldfn = "Radis_final.dat"; const double sc_alpha = 0.5; const double Vbias = 19.0e3; const double Vpuller = 10.0e3; const double Vdump = 6.0e3; const double Veinzel = 20e3; class ForcedPot : public CallbackFunctorB_V { public: ForcedPot() {} ~ForcedPot() {} virtual bool operator()( const Vec3D &x ) const { return( x[2] < 0.2e-3 && x[0]*x[0]+x[1]*x[1] > 6e-3*6e-3 ); } }; void simu( int argc, char **argv ) { double start = -3.0e-3; double h = 0.4e-3; double sizereq[3] = { 50.0e-3, 50.0e-3, 125.0e-3-start }; Int3D meshsize( (int)floor(sizereq[0]/h)+1, (int)floor(sizereq[1]/h)+1, (int)floor(sizereq[2]/h)+1 ); Vec3D origo( -25.0e-3, -25.0e-3, start ); Geometry geom( MODE_3D, meshsize, origo, h ); double dx = 0.00405834+0.00505786; double dy = -0.00808772+0.0140138; double angle = atan2( dx, dy ) + 0.5*M_PI; std::cout << "angle = " << angle << "\n"; Transformation T; T.translate( Vec3D( 0, -197, 0 ) ); T.scale( Vec3D( 1.0e-3, -1.0e-3, 1.0e-3 ) ); T.rotate_x( 0.5*M_PI ); T.translate( Vec3D( 0, 0, h/50.0 ) ); T.rotate_z( angle ); STLFile *fplasma = new STLFile( "plasma.stl" ); STLFile *fpuller = new STLFile( "puller.stl" ); STLFile *fedump = new STLFile( "edump.stl" ); STLFile *fedump2 = new STLFile( "edump2.stl" ); STLFile *fmaa1a = new STLFile( "maa1a.stl" ); STLFile *fmaa1b = new STLFile( "maa1b.stl" ); STLFile *fmaa2a = new STLFile( "maa2a.stl" ); STLFile *fmaa2b = new STLFile( "maa2b.stl" ); STLFile *feinzela = new STLFile( "einzela.stl" ); STLFile *feinzelb = new STLFile( "einzelb.stl" ); STLSolid *plasma = new STLSolid; plasma->set_transformation( T ); plasma->add_stl_file( fplasma ); geom.set_solid( 7, plasma ); STLSolid *puller = new STLSolid; puller->set_transformation( T ); puller->add_stl_file( fpuller ); geom.set_solid( 8, puller ); STLSolid *edump = new STLSolid; edump->set_transformation( T ); edump->add_stl_file( fedump ); edump->add_stl_file( fedump2 ); geom.set_solid( 9, edump ); STLSolid *maa1 = new STLSolid; maa1->set_transformation( T ); maa1->add_stl_file( fmaa1a ); maa1->add_stl_file( fmaa1b ); geom.set_solid( 10, maa1 ); STLSolid *einzel = new STLSolid; einzel->set_transformation( T ); einzel->add_stl_file( feinzela ); einzel->add_stl_file( feinzelb ); geom.set_solid( 11, einzel ); STLSolid *maa2 = new STLSolid; maa2->set_transformation( T ); maa2->add_stl_file( fmaa2a ); maa2->add_stl_file( fmaa2b ); geom.set_solid( 12, maa2 ); geom.set_boundary( 1, Bound(BOUND_NEUMANN, 0.0) ); geom.set_boundary( 2, Bound(BOUND_NEUMANN, 0.0) ); geom.set_boundary( 3, Bound(BOUND_NEUMANN, 0.0) ); geom.set_boundary( 4, Bound(BOUND_NEUMANN, 0.0) ); geom.set_boundary( 5, Bound(BOUND_DIRICHLET, 0.0) ); geom.set_boundary( 6, Bound(BOUND_DIRICHLET, Vbias) ); geom.set_boundary( 7, Bound(BOUND_DIRICHLET, 0.0) ); geom.set_boundary( 8, Bound(BOUND_DIRICHLET, Vpuller) ); geom.set_boundary( 9, Bound(BOUND_DIRICHLET, Vdump) ); geom.set_boundary( 10, Bound(BOUND_DIRICHLET, Vbias) ); geom.set_boundary( 11, Bound(BOUND_DIRICHLET, (Vbias+Veinzel)) ); geom.set_boundary( 12, Bound(BOUND_DIRICHLET, Vbias) ); geom.build_mesh(); // Build surface triangulation geom.build_surface(); EpotBiCGSTABSolver solver( geom ); InitialPlasma initp( AXIS_Z, 0.2e-3 ); solver.set_nsimp_initial_plasma( &initp ); ForcedPot force; solver.set_forced_potential_volume( 0.0, &force ); solver.set_gnewton( true ); EpotField epot( geom ); MeshScalarField scharge( geom ); MeshScalarField scharge_ave( geom ); // Define magnetic field bool fout[3] = {true, true, true}; MeshVectorField bfield( MODE_3D, fout, 1.0e-3, 1.0, bfieldfn ); field_extrpl_e bfldextrpl[6] = { FIELD_ZERO, FIELD_ZERO, FIELD_ZERO, FIELD_ZERO, FIELD_ZERO, FIELD_ZERO }; bfield.set_extrapolation( bfldextrpl ); EpotEfield efield( epot ); field_extrpl_e efldextrpl[6] = { FIELD_EXTRAPOLATE, FIELD_EXTRAPOLATE, FIELD_EXTRAPOLATE, FIELD_EXTRAPOLATE, FIELD_EXTRAPOLATE, FIELD_EXTRAPOLATE }; efield.set_extrapolation( efldextrpl ); ParticleDataBase3D pdb( geom ); pdb.set_max_steps( 1000 ); bool pmirror[6] = { false, false, false, false, false, false }; pdb.set_mirror( pmirror ); // Suppress effects of magnetic field at volume where phi<1000. This is needed // because of erroneous field values close to the plasma electrode magnetic // steel (bug in Radia-3D). NPlasmaBfieldSuppression psup( epot, 1000.0 ); pdb.set_bfield_suppression( &psup ); double rho_h, rho_tot; for( size_t i = 0; i < 15; i++ ) { if( i == 1 ) { std::vectorEi, rhoi; Ei.push_back( 2.0 ); rhoi.push_back( 0.5*rho_h ); double rhop = rho_tot - rho_h*0.5; solver.set_nsimp_plasma( rhop, 10.0, rhoi, Ei ); } solver.solve( epot, scharge_ave ); efield.recalculate(); double J = 35.0; pdb.clear(); pdb.add_cylindrical_beam_with_energy( 50000, J, -1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0, Vec3D(0,0,start), Vec3D(1,0,0), Vec3D(0,1,0), 8e-3 ); rho_h = pdb.get_rhosum(); pdb.add_cylindrical_beam_with_energy( 50000, J*100.0, -1.0, 1.0/1836.15, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0, Vec3D(0,0,start), Vec3D(1,0,0), Vec3D(0,1,0), 8e-3 ); pdb.iterate_trajectories( scharge, efield, bfield ); rho_tot = pdb.get_rhosum(); // Space charge averaging if( i == 0 ) { scharge_ave = scharge; } else { double sc_beta = 1.0-sc_alpha; uint32_t nodecount = scharge.nodecount(); for( uint32_t b = 0; b < nodecount; b++ ) { scharge_ave(b) = sc_alpha*scharge(b) + sc_beta*scharge_ave(b); } } } geom.save( "geom.dat" ); epot.save( "epot.dat" ); pdb.save( "pdb.dat" ); } int main( int argc, char **argv ) { try { //ibsimu.set_message_output( "ibsimu.txt" ); ibsimu.set_message_threshold( MSG_VERBOSE, 1 ); ibsimu.set_thread_count( 4 ); simu( argc, argv ); } catch( Error e ) { e.print_error_message( ibsimu.message( 0 ) ); exit( 1 ); } return( 0 ); }
The analysis software (analysis.cpp) can be used after running the simulation:
#include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include <limits> #include "meshvectorfield.hpp" #include "dxf_solid.hpp" #include "mydxffile.hpp" #include "gtkplotter.hpp" #include "geomplotter.hpp" #include "geometry.hpp" #include "func_solid.hpp" #include "epot_efield.hpp" #include "error.hpp" #include "ibsimu.hpp" #include "trajectorydiagnostics.hpp" #include "particledatabase.hpp" #include "particlediagplotter.hpp" using namespace std; void simu( int argc, char **argv ) { std::ifstream is_geom( argv[1] ); if( !is_geom.good() ) throw( Error( ERROR_LOCATION, (string)"couldn\'t open file \'" + argv[1] + "\'" ) ); Geometry geom( is_geom ); is_geom.close(); geom.build_surface(); std::ifstream is_epot( argv[2] ); if( !is_epot.good() ) throw( Error( ERROR_LOCATION, (string)"couldn\'t open file \'" + argv[2] + "\'" ) ); EpotField epot( is_epot, geom ); is_epot.close(); EpotEfield efield( epot ); field_extrpl_e efldextrpl[6] = { FIELD_EXTRAPOLATE, FIELD_EXTRAPOLATE, FIELD_EXTRAPOLATE, FIELD_EXTRAPOLATE, FIELD_EXTRAPOLATE, FIELD_EXTRAPOLATE }; efield.set_extrapolation( efldextrpl ); std::ifstream is_pdb( argv[3] ); if( !is_pdb.good() ) throw( Error( ERROR_LOCATION, (string)"couldn\'t open file \'" + argv[3] + "\'" ) ); ParticleDataBase3D pdb( is_pdb, geom ); is_pdb.close(); VectorField *bfield = NULL; if( argc >= 5 ) { bool fout[3] = {true, true, true}; MeshVectorField *mesh_bfield = new MeshVectorField( MODE_3D, fout, 1.0e-3, 1.0, argv[4] ); field_extrpl_e bfldextrpl[6] = { FIELD_ZERO, FIELD_ZERO, FIELD_ZERO, FIELD_ZERO, FIELD_ZERO, FIELD_ZERO }; mesh_bfield->set_extrapolation( bfldextrpl ); bfield = mesh_bfield; } MeshScalarField tdens( geom ); pdb.build_trajectory_density_field( tdens ); GTKPlotter plotter( &argc, &argv ); plotter.set_geometry( &geom ); plotter.set_epot( &epot ); plotter.set_efield( &efield ); if( bfield ) plotter.set_bfield( bfield ); plotter.set_trajdens( &tdens ); plotter.set_particledatabase( &pdb ); plotter.new_geometry_plot_window(); plotter.run(); } int main( int argc, char **argv ) { if( argc <= 3 ) { cerr << "Usage: analysis geom epot pdb <bfield>\n"; exit( 1 ); } try { ibsimu.set_message_threshold( MSG_VERBOSE, 1 ); ibsimu.set_thread_count( 4 ); simu( argc, argv ); } catch( Error e ) { e.print_error_message( ibsimu.message( 0 ) ); exit( 1 ); } return( 0 ); }
The files:
- Makefile
- simu.cpp
- analysis.cpp
- Radis_final.dat
- edump2.stl
- edump.stl
- einzela.stl
- einzelb.stl
- maa1a.stl
- maa1b.stl
- maa2a.stl
- maa2b.stl
- plasma.stl
- puller.stl
With the analysis software you can produce plots of the geometry, including 3D plots:

and regular 2D plots: