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PH1 Computational Ion Optics with IBSimu

This page contains material for the students of the course.


The introduction slides.

The ,main slides.

Getting started with the computing enironment

You can use your own computer if you have IBSimu 1.0.6 or 1.0.6dev on it. Another possibility is to use a Linux server at, which has IBSimu 1.0.6 installed. You can access the server from the computer class Windows computer with SSH client putty. To use X Window graphics you need to

From a Linux computer one can connect to the server with ssh -X

On the Linux server one needs to configure the environment to use IBSimu installed at /home/tvkalvas/ directory. This is done by editing the file .bashrc in your home directory. I recommend using emacs text editor. The .bashrc should contain at least the following lines:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/tvkalvas/lib"
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/home/tvkalvas/lib/pkgconfig"
After modifying the .bashrc you should either log out and log in again or execute the file with
source .bashrc


The recommended editor for the course is emacs. You can start editing a file, for example .bashrc with the command

emacs .bashrc &

By ending the command with & the command is executed in the background and the command line stays active for other use.

Here are the most common keyboard commands for emacs:

Ctrl-X Ctrl-S     Save file
Ctrl-X Ctrl-C Exit editor
Ctrl-G Cancel command
Ctrl-X Ctrl-F Find (open) file
Ctrl-X B Switch to another already opened file
Ctrl-K Kill. Cut the rest of the line and store to copy-paste buffer
Ctrl-Y Yank. Paste contents from the copy-paste buffer.

Compilation of IBSimu dependent programs

To compile a program using IBSimu library it is easiest to use a Makefile such as the one shown below:

CC = g++
LDFLAGS = `pkg-config --libs ibsimu-1.0.6`
CXXFLAGS = -Wall -g `pkg-config --cflags ibsimu-1.0.6`

einzel: einzel.o
        $(CC) -o einzel einzel.o $(LDFLAGS)
einzel.o: einzel.cpp

        $(RM) *.o einzel 

The compilation using this Makefile is done by calling make.

First example: Cylindrically symmetric simulation of an einzel lens

The first example shows the transport of a 10 keV, 1 mA Ar-8+ beam through a cylindrically symmetric, accelerating einzel lens with 5 kV voltage.

Source file: einzel.cpp
Makefile: Makefile
Geometry plot: geom.png

Second example: Ion extraction from plasma 2D

Source file: plasma.cpp
Makefile: Makefile
Geometry file: geom.dxf

Third example: Solenoid lens

Source file: solenoid.cpp
Makefile: Makefile
B-field file: sol.txt

Fourth example: 3D einzel lens

Source file: einzel3d.cpp
Makefile: Makefile
DXF-file: einzel3d.dxf

Fifth example: Slit beam extraction from plasma

Source file: slit.cpp
Makefile: Makefile
DXF-file: einzel3d.dxf

Sixth example: Slit beam extraction from plasma 3D

Homework for Tuesday: Make a 3D simulation from the fifth example. Use geometry from the STL-file below. Compare to the 2D case of the fifth example. How much does the projected emittance change?

STL-files: slit_assembly_plasma_1.stl, slit_assembly_puller_2.stl, slit_assembly_gnd_3.stl
You need to translate the geometry with command such as s1->translate( Vec3D(-0.5*(0.225303+0.525303),-0.5*(0.156421+0.456421),0.233167) ); to achieve sensible location of electrodes.

Source file: slit3d.cpp
Source file: analysis.cpp
Makefile: Makefile

Seventh example: Wien filter

Source file: wien.cpp
Makefile: Makefile

Eighth example: Cesium sputter source toy model

Source file: sputter.cpp
Makefile: Makefile
DXF-file: sputter.dxf

Ninth example: LIISA negative hydrogen ion source

Source file 1: liisa.cpp
Source file 2: liisa_mg.cpp
Source file 3: liisa_cont.cpp
Makefile: Makefile
DXF-file: LIISA_geom.dxf
B-field file: LIISA_bfield.txt

Tenth example: Fitting

Source file: fit.cpp
Fitting program: linfit.tar.gz
Description: README
Makefile: Makefile
B-field file: solfield_100A.txt

Eleventh example: 14 GHz ECR ion source extraction

Source file 1: ecr.cpp
Source file 2: analysis.cpp
Makefile: Makefile
DXF-file: geom.dxf
B-field file: bfield.txt

Twelfth example: Negative ion extraction parametric study

Homework for Thursday: Make a parametric study of J, eir, Tt, E0, Tp, Rf, Up.

Source file: simu.cpp
Makefile: Makefile
DXF-file: geom.dxf

Thirteenth example: Rough/Fine mesh simulation

Example on how to couple rough simulation and a fine simulation

Source file: simu.cpp
Makefile: Makefile
DXF-file: geom.dxf
Rough B-field file: bfield.dat
Fine B-field file: bfield_fine.dat
Source file: simu.cpp
Helper class: scalarfield2d.hpp
Helper class: scalarfield2d.cpp

Copyright © 2010-2015 Taneli Kalvas
Last modified: Wed Sep 9 14:12:58 EEST 2015